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Monday, July 14, 2014

Is Your Bikini Beach Body Ready for Public Viewing

Have you tried weight-loss or diet programs and not gotten the results that you wanted?  Well, obviously, we can't guarantee anybody's specific results, because a lot of it depends on you.  You have to follow the program, you have to get some minimal amount of exercise each day, and you have to eat a diet that goes along with the Forever F.I.T. program to help you get the results you are looking for.

Forever F.I.T. starts with our Aloe Vera Gel, which helps to prepare your digestive tract for the best environment for the proper balance of probiotics.  Due to the crappy diets most Americans eat, most of us have a distorted ratio of good bacteria vs. bad bacteria in our gut.  The ideal ration is 85:15 good: bad.  Most Americans have a ration that is close to exactly the reverse of that.

So, you maybe wondering what is the difference between good bacteria and bad bacteria.  Good bacteria are those that excrete things that are beneficial to the body and that aid in the proper digestion of the food we eat, so it can be more easily absorbed into our body.  Bad bacteria are those that excrete nasty and bad stuff (toxins), and inhibit the proper environment for good digestion and good digestive health.

Garcinia Plus, Forever Therm, Forever Fiber, and our wonderful soy protein shakes make up the balance of the Clean 9 diet plan, which is your 9-day weight loss kick start.  We think if you try our Clean 9 weight loss program, you will pleasantly surprised at your results.

Forever Living Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or the symptoms of any disease.  If you have, or believe you may have any disease you should consult your physician.  Any weight loss or weight management program you undertake should be discussed with your physician before you start it.

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